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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
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{{ 'product.buyandget.label' | translate }}
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    {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}

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Mangiacane was built five centuries ago by the Machiavelli family, and many important artists like Michelangelo and Giorgio Vasari have been involved in the design project of the main villa amd winery.

The land around the buildings form the ancient Fattoria Mangiacane and is located in Chianti Classico area, between San Casciano Val di Pesa and Greve in Chianti.

The whole estate spans 306 hectares which comprises of 60 hectares of vineyards of which 17 hectares are being prepared for re-planting of new vineyards, 20 hectares of olive groves and the remaining land is covered by wonderful lush forest. 

A new winery was built in 2005 and all the vinification is done using modern technology with high attention to the quality from the harvest to the bottling. For the aging of our red wines we use French oak barriques and French oak 3,5 ton barrels.

Our winemaker, Marco Chellini, is a real expert of Sangiovese grape, the extraordinary grape at the base of the Red Tuscan wines. Mr Chellini works for several important wine companies in the Chianti area as Castello di Verrazzano and Villa Pillo, and in a few years has done a commendable job on international varieties like Syrah, Cabernet and Merlot. For Chianti Classico, he prefers to offer an authentic touch of Chiantigiano style, combining the ancient tradition to a modern concept of winemaking. In fact, our wines are produced following the authentic Tuscan Chiantigiano style, representing a perfect mix between tradition and modern vinification.